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∙    Conducted Indoor Air (IA) testing at 12 multi-story office buildings in Santa Clara and San Francisco Counties.

∙    Evaluated the history and future use limitations of two parcels of vacant land on Mission Bay in San Francisco for future construction

      and occupancy of high-rise office buildings. The evaluation included pre-construction, construction, and post-construction

      requirements liabilities.

∙    Conducted soil evaluation and monitored excavation of approximately 20,000 cubic yards (CY) soil to be excavated as part of

      construction of a new parking garage.  Excavated soil was segregated into clean and unclean stockpiles so that clean soil could be

      reused at off-site locations.  Uncleaned soil was profiled for disposal at a nearby landfill.  The project included on-call assessment of

      suspect soil and demolition wastes.

∙    Completed soil vapor investigation and preparation of a Low-Threat Closure Assessment of a 55 acre former electronics research and

      manufacturing facility in Santa Clara, California.  The site was granted final Site Closure by State of California in March 2012.

∙    Performed soil, groundwater, and air testing for contractors redeveloping an 80 acre site formerly used for military weapons research

      and development. The site is being redeveloped to create almost 2.4 million-square-foot of office, research and development campus. 

      The campus includes four 8-story and six 5-story office buildings, four parking structures, a 60,000-square-foot special-use building

       and a site for a future hotel.

∙    Performed environmental review of 10 office sites in the San Francisco Bay Area for occupancy by a social networking company.

∙    Completed assessment of soil and groundwater contamination at a former gasoline station in San Jose, California.  Completed a Dual

     Phase Extraction (DPE) program to remediate the contamination.  The site was granted closure by Santa Clara County Environmental

     Health in 2011. The project was funded by the State of California Tank Fund (Orphan Fund).

∙    Completed soil remediation in accordance with a Removal Action Workplan (RAW) to mitigate hazards posed by a former landfill at a

      soft-drink bottling facility in California.  The project received Case Closure from the State of California in 2010.

∙    Assisted with the closure of 23 semiconductor manufacturing facilities in Santa Clara, Los Angeles, and Austin, Texas.  Individual

     projects included site assessments, soil and groundwater investigations and soil remediation.

∙    Completed groundwater investigation and monitoring to delineate groundwater contamination at a  soft-drink bottling facility in

     California.  Worked under the direction of Regional Water Quality Control Board and the local water district to complete Case Closure.

∙    As part of a joint venture, assisted a foreign semiconductor manufacturer, with the acquisition of an operating FAB facility located in

     Santa Clara County.  Individual projects included preparation of site assessments, hazardous facilities closure, soil and groundwater

     investigation, and analysis of potential groundwater and soil contamination issues.  Investigation projects and purchase of the facility

     were successfully completed within two months.

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